(featuring Pavel Tchikov/Ogives and G.W. Sok/The Ex, Oiseaux-Tempête)
Sopa Boba is a Belgian/Dutch, electronic, modern classical project. The idea behind the form is a so-called Oratorio from the present age which unfolds a dramatc tale within a sociopolitcal framework. The compositons incorporate a neo-classical style string quartet, harsh modular sytnhs and spoken word vocals.
That Moment is an adaptaton of the eponymous text by Moldavian writer Nicoleta Esinencu. The startng point of That Moment takes place in a real fact, which happened in present-tme Moldavia, where a father cut his son’s fnger with an axe, as a punishment for stealing a bit of money from the father’s wallet. From there the author combines the tale and its reality with a caustc irony, interrogatng an unbridled capitalist society, where everything and everyone is for sale. The total playing-tme is 55 minutes, somewhere in between a hybrid electronic – modern classical oratorio and a concept album, with seven tracks that serve as seven chapters of an ironic and satric story about the downward spiral of the capitalist society.
« A pervasive and fascinating piece of contemporary art, giving you plenty to get caught up on whether by means of the music itself and the details found within it, the overlying narrative, or simply all of it at once ». – Everything is Noise